
Jennifer Russell is an artist and librarian who lives in the Hudson Valley region of New York State. She has a B.F.A. from the Rhode Island School of Design and a M.S.I.S from the University at Albany.

When she was too young really,  her Grandfather gave her a book about making dolls, which was frustrating at the time. However, that experience engendered a stubborn determination to pursue creature creation and doll making. To contact Jennifer directly, email jennifer.d.russell@gmail.com or call 845-389-3450.

Georges BĂȘte lives with Jennifer and they are constantly making artwork, going on adventures and discussing Art. Georges is French and prefers to paint flora and fauna in oil paint.

Georges is also a connoisseur of delicious foods and enjoys theatrical performances, whether performed in a grand opera house or on a street corner.

This is The Beebs. A very easy going Beast who likes to chill, The Beebs is a great companion for anyone who needs to be reminded that relaxing is "okay"!!

Oven Beast was inspired by the tiny gas stove in Jennifer's apartment. A mild mannered and unassuming Beast, it contains a secret, fiery spirit on the inside!

Symbiosis is actually two separate Beasts who are such best friends that they spend all their time together.

Otter Beast is crowned with a wreath of seaweed, barnacles and a crab. This Beast an homage to the sea!

Caterpillar Beast is a wise, old soul. With four feet and four arms, he tends to gesture wildly when he speaks!

This is Hap (short for Happy). There are many Beasts who have a tendency towards giggling and general silliness, but Hap is also particularly quirky. Always ready with a strange comment or pun, Hap is a unique individual.

Mystic Beast is intricately involved with Nature. She is deeply in touch with all life forms: insects, mammals, fish and all manner of plants. Being in her presence is soothing, and she is ready to remind you that your are an intricate and essential part of the expansive universe.

Mystic Beast has additional pom-poms made of wool. In creating her, Jennifer was directly influenced by characters from the Star Wars: Rogue One: the Ultimate Visual Guide by Pablo Hidalgo.

For more Beastly adventures, follow us on Instagram @beastlyhome


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